Building a tradition of musical excellence

SaveAround Coupon Book 2019

Beyond Concessions, the largest fundraiser that the North Olmsted Instrumental Music Program participates in is the SaveAround® coupon book. The 2019 SaveAround® Book costs $25, checks should be made payable to NOBOB. Payment must be included with the order form.

On Monday, September 10, an order envelope was distributed to all students, along with a copy of the index of the book. You can view the index below–click the pictures to view a larger version.

The coupon book sales runs from Monday, September 10 through Friday, September 21. The order envelope and full payments can be returned to Mr. Kalish or Mrs. Kovach or dropped off with the parent volunteers on any Wednesday evening through Wednesday, September 26. All orders must be returned by Wednesday, September 26.

If you want to view a copy of the book in detail, click the link below.

You can purchase a book online at this link:

The link works for the Cleveland book and also for other Destination locations (Austin, Las Vegas, Miami, Myrtle Beach, New Orleans, Orlando, Palm Beach and San Diego). Please keep in mind that if you order online you will have to pay shipping costs.

Students can earn prizes by selling 6, 12, 18, etc. books, one prize for each six books sold:

  • Flying LED Ball
  • Hands Free Cell Phone Holder
  • Disco Light
  • Sound Touch Speaker (works when you lay your phone on top)
  • Virtual Reality Headset
  • $10.00

Again, thank you for your continued support.