There are several notable events that are occurring in the next two weeks.
Tuesday, May 8, is the NOHS Orchestra and Band concert in the NOHS cafeteria at 7:00 pm. We will have limited concessions available for sale.
Tuesday, May 15 is the NOHS Orchestra and Band Showcase Recital at 7:00 pm. Come and support these talented students.
Wednesday, May 16 is the NOHS Orchestra and Band Spring Recognition at 6:30 pm. For this event, Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors are asked to bring appetizers. Seniors are asked to bring desserts. Families are encouraged and welcome to attend this event. Senior Orchestra members are recognized at this event.
Monday, May 28, 9:00 am inspection for Memorial Day Parade.
Also, donations of water bottles can be dropped off at any of these events. We need water donations for the Spring Recognition and for the Memorial Day Parade.
Mary Lynn Jackowicz
on behalf of North Olmsted Band & Orchestra Boosters