Area Youth Bands & Orchestra
Many of our more advanced musicians participate in the numerous outstanding youth bands and orchestras that exist in the Cleveland area. We are very fortunate to have these opportunities available to our young musicians, and we encourage those students who are ready for an enriching challenge to consider auditioning for membership. Please check out the links below or see your director for more information.
- Baldwin-Wallace Youth Orchestras
- Cleveland Orchestra Youth Orchestra (COYO)
- Cleveland Youth Wind Symphony (CWYS)
- Contemporary Youth Orchestra (CYO)
- Northern Ohio Youth Orchestras (NOYO)
One-Time Honors Bands & Orchestras
Many of our advanced musicians also participate in various honors bands and orchestras that exist for a one-time performance. Many of these are hosted by colleges and universities and draw students from multiple states, while others are sanctioned by the Ohio Music Education Association (OMEA). These are great experiences musically, and these opportunities also provide students with the chance to meet and perform with a diverse group of students and new conductors.
- OMEA Northeast Region Orchestra
- OMEA All-State Band
- OMEA All-State Orchestra
- University of Akron Honors Band
- BGSU Reading Clinic Honors Band
- Kent State All-Star Band
- Ohio State University Honors Band
- Ohio University Honors Band
- Capital University Honors Band